Creation Sabbath 2021

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CREATION SABBATH, October 23, 2021 

You are invited to celebrate Creation Sabbath with a leading Seventh-day Adventist creation scientist next Saturday morning, October 23. Dr. Tim Standish will speak about "Depression, Insanity, Creation and Wisdom," at the 8:30 and 11:00 AM worship services at Triadelphia. Plan to stay for a delicious lunch after the 2nd service. He will make a 2nd presentation at 2:15 PM entitled "God Reveals Himself in the World He Created." The 11:00 AM and 2:15 PM presentations will be livestreamed on the Triadelphia YouTube Channel. 

The 4th Sabbath of October is our annual celebration of Creation, first begun in 2009. The purpose is to acknowledge God as our Creator and to specifically recognize God's power and grace as our Creator and Redeemer.

We are honored to have with us Dr. Standish, senior scientist at the Geoscience Research Institute in Loma Linda, California. He holds degrees in Zoology and Biology from Andrews University and a PhD in Environmental Biology and Public Policy from George Mason University in Virginia. He is a producer/videographer and has published numerous articles. Please come and you will gain new insights from the sermon and afternoon presentation.

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