Welcome to a special school, the “Sabbath School”!

We are all “learners in the school of Christ” and learning never ends!
Classes take place every Saturday, from 9:30 am to 10:35 am and are organized by age groups.

Every week, children, teens and youth meet in their classrooms while young adults and adults meet indoors ( during fall and winter ) or outdoors in the Chapel in the Woods ( during the spring and summer ).

There is also an indoor Adult Sabbath School Class located on the Lower Level Floor area next to the kitchen.

There is time for news and plans for world, local and personal outreach and community service activities, experiences, testimonies, and training.
Bible study takes place in small groups (including groups in Spanish and Burmese) where everyone is encouraged to participate, discuss and share what they have learned in their daily study of God’s word.

The small group also dedicates time to pray together, encourage each other, share challenges, and meet spiritual needs.
Each small group supports missions, ministries, and personal and community projects as they build friendships for eternity.
If you cannot join a class in person, you can join us on YouTube for a dynamic Bible Study with our teachers. Join us online!
Triadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church’s YouTube Channel. Link:
Triadelphia’s Sabbath School is part of a worldwide system of Bible study for all ages. It is organized worldwide through an age-appropriate curriculum, the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Seventh Day Adventist Online Bible Study resources >>Link<<
Another webpage offered on bible study on our website is :
The Links above covers a topic of study for a three-month period, offering a guide to encourage the daily study of the Bible, developing faith in God and the truths of His Word.
Everyone is welcome!
Online Sabbath School Lessons, ( Online Book Material )
This location provides the lessons ( Online Book Material ) also