Men's Ministry

>Home >Ministries >Men's Ministry Updated: August 6, 2023






  Triadelphia Men of Faith



"As iron sharpens iron,

so a man sharpens the countenance

of his friend."
Proverbs 27:17




Our men meet monthly at a local restaurant for breakfast, a devotional, fellowship, and prayer. We are a diverse group of about 15-20 men with representation from other churches as well as friends and neighbors of church members.


A spinoff from the prayer breakfast is the formation of a Men’s Study Group that meets weekly for more in-depth study and prayer on specific men’s topics.


Additionally, we have been involved with helping church members move, assisting with cleanup projects, computer issues, snow removal and other needs. We also serve “Mother’s Day” breakfasts to the church.


The men of Triadelphia Church aim to challenge and encourage other men in their walk with Jesus that we might better serve our Creator, community, church and families.  We believe this is possible only as we put on the mind of Christ and learn from His example. Check the church calendar in the menu bar for our schedule. For questions, email: You are welcome to join us.


Also, the Maryland Men of Faith (MMOF) ministry is a ministry of the Triadelphia church. MMOF sponsors an annual One-day conference designed to inspire, encourage and challenge men. MMOF, too, raises an annual offering for outreach. Please visit to learn more.


List of Activities Coming up in 2023