Men's Ministry

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  Triadelphia's Men's Ministry



"As iron sharpens iron,

so a man sharpens the countenance

of his friend."
Proverbs 27:17





    Our men meet monthly for breakfast, a devotional, fellowship, and prayer. We are a diverse group of about 15-20 men with representation from other churches as well as friends and neighbors of church members.

We aim to challenge and encourage other men in their walk with Jesus that we all might better serve our Creator, community, church and families.  We assist church members when moving, with cleanup projects, computer issues, snow removal and other needs. We also serve "Mother's Day" breakfasts to the church. 


Email us at: if you have questions. You are welcome to join us.


Triadelphia also supports a broader ministry named Maryland Men of Faith (MMOF), which sponsors an annual one-day conference designed to inspire, encourage and challenge men and raises funding for outreach. Visit to learn more.